Monday, April 29, 2013

Recommended: A Day in the Life of An Expat

Taipei Skyline

I am awakened at 7:15 a.m. by the sound of my Taiwanese roommate blending a concoction of fruits and vegetables into a vitamin-chocked slurry for her seven-year-old son. If there’s one thing all Taiwanese seem to be good at, it’s blocking out noise. The building next door is being torn down and rebuilt? No problem. The octogenarian downstairs is watching Korean soap operas at full volume? Didn’t hear a thing. It’s all a part of living in the poster child for population density known as Taipei. To them, it just rolls right off their backs. As for me, let’s just say after five years here, I’m still getting used to it.
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Recommended: An Expatriate in Taiwan Blog

Curious about what actual Expatriats in Taiwan are experiencing?  Head on over to the anonymous expat in Taiwan author's blog at

SYLLABICATION: ex·pa·tri·ate
NOUN: (-t, -t) 1. One who has taken up residence in a foreign country.

I live in Taiwan and, like other expats, teach English.  I enjoy learning about and experiencing the Taiwanese culture through the language, food, and interacting with the people of Isla Formosa. This blog is my way of sharing the culture of Taiwan with the world.

Not much info there about the author.  Anonymity gives him the freedom to write what he freely thinks about the country without getting persecuted.  Kudos!

About Hartford Group International Taipei

Hartford Group International Taipei is the real estate property website resource for your Taipei and Taiwan needs.  For office space, staff housing, expat relocation, contact us.  We know the language, we know the culture, we know the laws.  Come visit our website at

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